Researches Italian original

The domestic audiovisual production: economic values, trends and challenges of a fast-developing industry 2020

eMedia Institute | September 2020

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The growth of production enterprises

In 2019, the audiovisual production sector has upheld a significantly positive trend that can be considered a long “growth wave” despite the generally stagnant national economy.

The positive trends already noted over the two-year period 2016–2017 have gained relevance, apparently becoming structural in the following 2018-2019 Seasons.

Noteworthy trends:

  1. growing interest of foreign markets for Italian products;
  2. expansion of M&A activities, including cross-border;
  3. positive outcome of television tax credit as a lever for the industry’s development;
  4. significant increase of content demand from OTT players, well above the initial forecast. 

Cumulative revenues of the top 50 theatrical-video-TV production companies on the Italian market
(€ millions)*

Source: e-Media elaborations for APA on players data for 2017 and 2018; Agcom data for 2013.
(*) For the data processing, the revenues of 372 production companies that were “active” on the market (limited companies only) were analyzed, selecting the 2018 top 50 for revenue volume. For more details on the selection criteria, see table 5. Comparisons with 2013 data are the result of an AGCOM processing and are purely indicative as the sample selection criteria are not similar.