Researches Italian original

The domestic audiovisual production: economic values, trends and challenges of a fast-developing industry 2020

eMedia Institute | September 2020

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The audiovisual production 2017 — 2019

Breakdown of the domestic audiovisual production value by macro-genres (including co-productions) years 2017 – 2018 and first estimate 2019
(€ millions)

Source: e-Media elaborations for APA on theatrical Mibact data and key players reports
(*) Theatrical: The production cost data related to theatrical films have been extracted from « Tutti i numeri del Cinema italiano» years 2017 and 2018 published by MIBACT – Direzione Generale Cinema e Audiovisivo. In absence of the new edition of this publication, data relating to 2019 are the result of an indicative estimate and will be subject to revision. The figures also include a share of films within the animation genre.

The domestic audiovisual production (theatrical, TV and OTT products, aside from all news and sport shows) has totaled a value of approximately € 1.2 billion in 2018, recording a significant increase of approximately 14% compared to 2018. The increase is essentially due to the budget growth in the theatrical (+ € 120 million) and tv fiction (+ € 33 million) segments.

Measured by macro-areas of genre, the audiovisual production in 2018 also highlights a primacy of fiction (TV films, series, mini-series, sit-coms, soap-operas, telefilms) meant for TV and OTT platforms.

Other television genres (entertainment programs, talk shows, documentaries, cultural and in-depth shows, etc.) and partly OTT, total a value between € 300 and € 340 million. Within this area, entertainment shows are the leading genre.

Percentage breakdown of the domestic audiovisual production by macro-genres (including co-productions) years 2017 – 2018 and first estimate 2019
(% value)

Fonte: elabSource: e-Media elaborations for APA on theatrical Mibact data and key players reportsorazioni e-Media per APA su dati Mibact (per il cinema) e dichiarazioni degli operatori

The percentage breakdown of the total volume of investment by macro-genres discloses the primacy of fiction (TV + OTT,) which in 2018 was worth 37% of the market. This is followed by theatrical, which after a year of limited investments (2017) has pulled off 31%.

Other TV genres (essentially entertainment shows, documentaries, talk shows, in-depth programs) and OTTs (in its lowest 300 million estimate) account for 25% of the total market. 

In 2018, the animation genre was worth about 6% of the total domestic production budget. Yet, although minimal, part of the animation investment is included in the theatrical figure. It should also be noted that investments in animation products (€ 75 million in 2018) also include foreign investments in minor co-productions.