Researches Italian original

The domestic audiovisual production: economic values & industry trends

eMedia Institute | October 2023

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Volume, structure and evolution of the audiovisual market

Revenues estimate of the audiovisual market in italy 2010 – 2022 and forecast till 2025 – all media
(€bil at nominal values)

In 2022, the overall revenues of the Italian audiovisual market – Television, Cinema, “physical” video (DVD and Blue-Ray) and online offers (TVOD, EST, SVOD, AVOD)1 – were worth approximately €10.8 billion, thus reaching pre-Covid-19 pandemic values but only thanks to the strong growth of online platforms.2

Between 2022 and 2025, significant growth is expected (CAGR 3.7%) also determined by the increase in revenues from paid online audiovisual services (EST, TVOD and SVOD) and, above all, from the free ones (AVOD) financed by advertisements.

Revenues estimate of the audiovisual market in Italy 2010 – 2025 / by media
(€bil at nominal values)

Television is still the leading platform with 2022 revenues topping €7.9 billion (73% of the overall market). TV is to grow modestly, however, and its market share is destined to slip below 70% between 2024 and 2025.

In 2022, heavily penalized by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Theatrical sector recorded a revenue of only €0.3 billion, a clear recovery but still far from pre-pandemic values. 2023 promises to be the real year of recovery for the domestic Box Office3.

In 2022, revenues from pay VODs were estimated at around €1 billion4 while revenues from video display advertising (AVOD services) €1.5 billion for a total online platform value of €2.5 billion.

Revenues estimate of the audiovisual market in Italy 2010 – 2025 Traditional vs online media

The weight of online audiovisual services is growing and in the space of 5 years (2017-2022) their market share has grown by 14%.

In 2025, the cumulative revenues of online audiovisual services (TVOD, EST, SVOD and AVOD) will be worth approximately 28% of the overall domestic audiovisual market.