Researches Italian original

The domestic audiovisual production: economic values & industry trends

eMedia Institute | October 2023

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Active companies in audiovisual production

Cumulative revenues of the top 50 companies in the production sector

After the 2020 decline due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the rescheduling of several production projects, the cumulative revenues of the top 50 companies in the sector are growing again conspicuously, recording a cumulative value of €1,359m in 2021 and an even higher value – around €1,400m – €1,480m1 – in 2022.

In a decade (2013 – 2022) the revenues of leading companies in the audiovisual sector have grown by 100%

Active companies in the audiovisual production sector 2019 – 2022

  1. In 2021, the cumulative Production Value of the 793 active companies in audiovisual production was equal to €2,245 million.
  2. The survey included companies (joint-stock corporations, LLCs or Spas) that carried out audiovisual production activity in the years 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022. Due to the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, the survey period has been extended to 4 years (it was only 3 in previous editions of the study)
  3. Many of the surveyed companies had access to tax credits for theatrical and/or audiovisual productions and/or selective contributions for those same years. The production value shown here does not refer exclusively to production activities but to all activities carried out by the companies (other activities in the audiovisual sector.)
  4. Based on these criteria, the survey identified 892 joint-stock companies, mainly (but not exclusively) registered with the Ateco code 59.11. Ninety-nine companies couldn’t provide financial statements for 2020 and 2021, thus the overall number of companies analyzed hereby is 793.