Researches Symbola

2023 audiovisual activities: data on businesses and employment

Symbola Foundation | October 2024

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In the audiovisual sector, as of December 31, 2023, there were 4,744 female entrepreneurs5 , equal to 28.6% of the total. This percentage has slightly increased compared to 2022 (while the share has remained unchanged in the overall economy). The balance of power between genders in the audiovisual sector remains stable, slightly in favor of men compared to the average: there are 2.5 businessmen for every businesswoman, while the overall ratio is 2.3.

5 Entrepreneurs include company owners, partners, and capital partners

Women entrepreneurs in the audiovisual industry vs. the overall industrial market
Year 2023 (percentage)

From the point of view of the sectors that make up the audiovisual core, the share of women entrepreneurs is higher within the Exhibition activities (38.6%), followed by TV programming & broadcasting (31.9%) and theatrical, video & TV distribution activities (31.7%). The woman count is lower than the audiovisual average in the case of theatrical, video & TV production activities (26.8%) and even more so for the theatrical, video & TV post-production sector (25,1%).

Breakdown of businesswomen and businessmen within the audiovisual core by production sectors
Year 2023 (absolute value and percentage)

SectorsAbsolut valuePercentage %
5911Theatrical, video &
TV production activities
5912Theatrical, video &
TV post-production activities
5913Theatrical, video &
TV distribution activities
6020TV programming & broadcasting activities26255982131,968,1100,0
AUDIOVISUAL TOTALE CORE4.74411.82816.57228,671,4100,0
TOTAL BUSINESSES2.562.3655.793.1458.355.51030,769,3100,0

Compared to 2022, entrepreneurship in the audiovisual sector has recorded a positive trend (+1.1%), which, unlike the past, featured women to a greater extent (+1.8%) than men (+0.8%).The growth of film, video & TV post-production is confirmed (+9.0%), with a slightly better figure for men (+9.2) than women (+8.3%). At a certain distance, television programs and broadcasting activities grow (+2.4%), in favor of men (+2.8%) compared to women (+1.6%).

2022/2023 variation breakdown of businesswomen and businessmen within the audiovisual core by production sectors
(percentage variation)

There has been a +1.7% increase in theatrical, video & TV production activities, with a trend in favor of female entrepreneurs (+3.1%) compared to male entrepreneurs (+1.2%).
In the case of theatrical, video & TV program distribution (note that the absolute data are much lower than other sectors), the overall decrease has persisted (-7.2%), with a lower figure for men (-8.5%), less negative for women (-4.4%).
Finally, the negative trend for entrepreneurs in the exhibition sector continues, decreasing by -3.9%, and specifically -4.1% for men and -3.4% for women.
The share of female entrepreneurs under 35 slightly increased compared to 2022, reaching a 9.9% ratio. This value reduces the supply chain gap noted for businessmen (11.0%) and businesswomen within the overall economic industry (10.3%).

Breakdown of under-35 women and male entrepreneurs within the audiovisual core by activity sectors
Year 2023 (percentage)

The overall presence of young businesswomen is again higher in post-production activities (16.5%), an area where the share continues to grow.
Theatrical, video, and TV production activities (11.5%) follow in terms of the overall incidence of young women entrepreneurs.

The other sectors have a lower young women presence, starting with TV programming & broadcasting (9.5%, slightly better than 2022) and moving on to theatrical, video, & TV distribution, where the share has decreased (from 3.8% to 2.9%), just as it has for exhibition activities (from 3.4% to 3.2%).
In terms of regional distribution, Lazio confirms its leading position among the regions, with an overall 32.0% share of female audiovisual entrepreneurs, followed by Umbria (30.5%), Apulia (29.8%), Campania (29.5%), Liguria (29.3%), which fell to fifth place in the ranking.

Breakdown of woman entrepreneurs in the audiovisual core sector by Italian regions*
Year 2023 (percentage)

* The Valle d’Aosta Region figure is not reported as being out of scale due to the low number of audiovisual core businesses.